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Fugu: The Life of a Star Captain EkO: Why hello there! Ya wanna hear a story about Fug huh? Well then you've come to the right place. Thanksk to our undercover agents and private detectives, we've collected a lot of information about your's truly. ^_~ Oh, and this is the real thing!
Fugu's Art Gallery |:| Early Works |:|
|:| Later Works |:|
Orange-------|-----Sky _))D------| ----Burning Bush---
Fugu's Many Trips
Fugu's Biography Fugu was born in an unknown region of the Pacific sea. He doesn't know who his parents are because he was stolen away as a young fish by Minikui and his evil gang. He grew up with Mama Gurepu and Papa Orenji who loved him as if he were they're own fish.
Mama Gurepu | Papa Orenji As he grew older, Fugu realized he didn't look a thing like his parents. "That's because we aren't your real parents" they told him, with tears down they're checks. Fugu was shocked. He didn't know what to think. But Fugu knew that no matter who his real parents were, Mama Gurepu and Papa Orenji were always going to be his parents in his little heart. Fugu was destined for stardom. He and his parents always knew that. One day Papa Orenji was reading the news when he read a particularly interesting article. It claimed a worldwide search was going on for the perfect Navigator/Mascot of Anime Navigator, a well known anime portal. He was ecstatic and so headed out to the try outs. After being rejected 6 times, Fugu's perseverance is what got him to the place where he is now. His unique blend of friendliness, persistence and blackmail/ stalking got him the position where 6 animals/people/things auditioned. We expect good things from this future money maker- err... talented young fish. Good Luck and may the Fiorce be with you! |