Latest Update: 06/05/02
Here's some sketchy details on what we have in plan for Anime
Navigator and webmasters alike.
-First of all, we want to give out awards to those outstanding sites out
there. These awards will be in different categories and will be picked
out by votes from you!
-There might be, not certain yet, but there might be a change on the layout.
We are trying to avoid complicated layouts cause we want the site to be
viewed by everybody with different browsers and connection, but we are
looking on making a layout that brings the mood of Anime Navigator. ^_~
-Lately, our mascotte friend has been acting very weird. Non of us are
sure what's the matter with Fugu, but by the mysterious way he's behaving,
it makes the Umi Company very worry. So we are supervising him more and
putting a couple of restrictions, like less time to play and more work
to do! We think that will make him act like he use to.... O_o
Update: 06/02/02
Backup Site
Yesterday, Anime was down for unknown reasons. In a panic
to stay back alive, we've created a backup site in case this ever happens
again. Our backup site is located at:
Make sure you bookmark it just in case. For now, the site redirects to
this site, since everything seems ok, but in case this site ever gets
down, you can go to our backup site and still add links.
Banner Exchange Program
After months of thinking, and rethinking, the Umi Company has finally
come to the conclusion of having a banner exchange program!
Fugu: It's about time! >.<
Captain Nunin: Stay out of this Fugu; your job is to sit there and look
pretty (<--hahahaha! that will never happen).
All you have to do is send us a 370x45 banner, less than
10kb for non-animated and 30kb for animated, your site's url and name,
and you could soon see it at the top of our page.
In return, add one of our banners in your site. Click
here to view the banners and code to place on your site.
Note: Please don't send us more then 2 banners. All banners that don't
meet requirements (placed above) won't be placed on the website. We will
make sure to send you an email about this.
Update: 06/01/02
Finally, it has arrived. The new monthly mp3 page is up and running! Now
download the mp3 that Otaku's like you have voted! Well.... what are you
waiting for! Click here to download this month's
mp3 pick!
you've arrived to the news page and yet you insist to finding out what
we have in mind? Whats that... you came here by mistake!? Now I refuse!
Okay enough of that. In replace of the E-Cards section we are planning
on putting a monthly mp3 section of your favorite anime music! We will
accept song request but we're still thinking about sending in songs. Most
e-mails won't send mp3s or won't receive them, so we are still working
on that. In the meantime, send in your requests, if possible, provide
a website in which it makes it easy to download your requested song. If
you have any questions, let Captain
Nunin, c'est moi, know. B=)
Current News: 03/15/02
Ninja Scroll Live Action Feature
Source: CBS
Market Watch
SANTA MONICA, Calif., Mar 13, 2002 /PRNewswire
via COMTEX/- Threshold Entertainment, producers of Mortal Kombat , announced
its acquisition of "Ninja Scroll" from leading Japanese anime
studio Madhouse. Threshold plans to produce "Ninja Scroll" in
all media including television, live stage tours, video games, music and
more. With its budget of $60 million on effects, this feature should be
one that all Ninja Scroll fans and Kawajiri Yoshiaki, creator of Ninja
Scroll, will be definetly looking forward.
Update: 01/12/02
There's a
new message board aboard.. eh, make that bulletin board (O.o; what's the
difference?). ^^; This bulletin board has better features then the previous
one, including... *drum rolls*.... Avatars! And what better place to find
avatars then our own avatar
site! Now, in order to use the avatars link, you have to sign up with
our bulletin board. Other then that, you're welcome to take any for your
personal use.
Update: 01/01/02
Happy New Year! The Umi Company wishes
you the best for this bright new year. What are your new year resolutions?
We have ours! I bet they'll last two months... >.<
Update: 12/28/01
All aboard!
Wait, is that a stole-away? No... What? You mean he's not dinner? *sigh*
Then what is he doing here! Oh, of course, I knew that. *Ahem* Meet our
newest member- Fugu! He's here to take you to our home page! Have fun,
and don't try to eat him. *Puts away frying pan*

Take me home Fugu!
Learn more about Fugu!
Fugu Special!
Send me a
card! ^_^ The new E-cards are aboard! More
pictures to come!
Board-- check! Argh, the Message Board is aboard the Anime Navigator.
^_~ Hope you enjoy!
I'm sure you
have noticed already that some links have been temporarily down, but don't
worry, they will be up soon enough.
are we doing this?
We're currently
taking a bit more time to organize the links into simpler categories.
That way, it will be more convenient for you to find what you need.
that mean I can't add my site up? Nope.
We're actually encouraging you to add your site during this process.
Got any questions?
hesitate to let us know.